6 Money Moves To Help You End Your Year Right

  • Published on:
    November 29, 2022
  • Reading time by:
    4 minutes
6 Money Moves To Help You End Your Year Right

Winter is the perfect time to check in on your financial journey, so that you can end the year without an extra luggage of stress and set yourself up for a successful start of 2023. In fact, we can learn a lesson from the season itself to guide us through some simple steps that can make a huge difference. Try one or try all these handful tips to help you harness the energy of this season and end your year with a big bang.  6 Money Moves To Help You End Your Year Right.

6 Money Moves To Help You End Your Year Right

1. What can you shed?

Shedding doesn’t just apply to the trees this season it’s also a very beneficial process to apply to our finances. Remove what no longer serves you so you can put your energy towards the things that matter. Take some time to look back over the year where you were spending your money. Are there memberships you are paying for you that you aren’t really using? Do you have a weekly food delivery service that you’re not utilizing to its full extent? Multiple streaming services that you could do without? The simple action of being intentional with your spending can have a tremendous impact on your cash flow and your mindset. 

2. What can you save? 

It’s time to take a cue from nature and store up for the winter. What do I mean? I mean the money you saved by shedding things you no longer need, could be put in to work for us by storing it where it will benefit us in the future. First thing that comes to mind: your holiday shopping or travel. Heading into the holidays without a plan can lead to a “money hangover” in January (Let’s be honest most of us have been there before)

Now is the perfect time to think of how much realistically you’ll be spending on gifts—and travel costs if necessary. It’s also a great time to look at comparing websites to see whether you can get a better deal of that electricity bill. There are trusted market comparing websites out there which will enable you to choose options based on your budget. If you like some of us been affected by the rise of gas and electricity prices or do you think you simply pay too much now is the perfect time to investigate it. 

3. What needs nourishing? 

Unfortunately, the holidays and the end of the year can be quite overwhelming for many of us. It can also increase feelings of stress and anxiety. Fall is a perfect time to identify what self-care you need. Too often, we forget to take care of ourselves, and it can lead to emotional spending. Times of stress are when we need to lean into our own self-care even more as it is the foundation for keeping us healthy.

Self-care is much more than getting cosy, lighting some candles on a Sunday evening with your favourite face mask on or binge-watching your favourite series on Netflix. Self-care looks different for everyone. You get to decide how you can support yourself with self-care heading into the holidays and what you want it to look like at the beginning of the new year. Perhaps you want to take a new course or get a gym membership. Whatever it is, make sure to put yourself first as you can’t pour from an empty cup.

4. What’s not working? 

Let’s face it; most of us keep doing the same things over and over but secretly want a different result. Why? Creating new habits isn’t for the faint of heart, and frankly, we often associate change with being unpleasant. This is the season to look back on your year and identify what felt great and what didn’t feel so great. Did you eat out too much, or did you find your love of cooking? Pinpoint what you want to start, stop, and keep doing. You will need your money, time, and energy to do most things, so get into alignment: Habits take time to form, but with the right intention, hard work, and dedication you could be in a good place come the New Year. 

5. What needs organizing? 

“When money realizes that it is in good hands, it wants to stay and multiply in those hands.” Money needs organising and honestly, so does our brain. If you were out living your best life this summer, your wallet and your house might need some organisation too. Identify areas of clutter and start tackling them 10 minutes at a time. In my opinion, clutter breeds chaos, and chaos will affect your money, time, and energy. Declutter those drawers with old bills letters, pay off them debts too!

I know this is not as exciting as enjoying a glass of wine on a Friday night but let me tell you if you’re someone with a lot of debts or even if it’s just one. Fall is the time to really try and get rid of it. Because debt will hold you back in one way or another. Studies have also shown that people with debts have higher rate of depression and anxiety. My go to tip to prevent debts is to set up all your direct debits and bills on the same day. That way it’s easier to keep a track of everything, and you feel much more in control.

 6. What are your thoughts about money?

Overall, this season is really a great time to pause and reflect, to think about how the year has been and visualise what we want the next year to bring. Unlike summer where our energy and focus are directed more outward, autumn is the season to turn inwards. In this case we’re focusing on our financial goals and how to create a better relationship with money.

Look back to the last financial decision you made that put you one step closer to a goal-maybe it was skipping that impulse purchase, or not dining out when you knew very well that you had food at home. Whatever it was, get in touch with how good it felt to know that you were putting yourself on the right track. You are in the driver seat of your own life; you are capable and empowered to create the best financial habits for yourself and your family. 

6 Money Moves To Help You End Your Year Right

Research has shown us that positive thinking influences our ability to make better choices when you know better, you tend to do better. Making better money choices starts with you, what will you do today to reach closer to your goal this season?

Gemila Mahbub

Gemila is a young ambitious mother, entrepreneur & accounting student. In 2020 she opened a digital marketing agency  ( Eureka Marketing Services ) that specialise in making tailor suited marketing plans with a twist for small businesses. She also has her own beauty brand ( Esengo Beauty) Where she sells organic hair & skincare products, she donates a share of her profits to an organisation that helps orphan girls in Africa receive free education, clear water and healthcare.

Gemila’s vision is  to empower & enable women  to see their true potential, reach their goals & live a purposeful life no dream is too big! She comes from a very diverse background born & raised in Sweden to immigrant parents she understands the struggles of immigrants & the issues of lack of diversity. She moved to London after graduation to work & pursue her dreams. She has professional experience in management, business development, marketing & sales.

When not working Gemila, spends time with her son & friends she enjoys reading, playing basketball and travelling. She’s a big foodie as well & she loves baking, cooking and trying new restaurants an enjoyer of life to say the least. If anything you will most likely find her somewhere at the dessert aisle romanticising some vanilla cheesecakes.

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