5 Tips to Surrounding Yourself with Purposeful, Positive & Powerful People

  • Published on:
    August 15, 2023
  • Reading time by:
    4 minutes
5 Tips to Surrounding Yourself with Purposeful, Positive & Powerful People

You are the company you keep. If you aren’t sure yet if the people you surround yourself with have rubbed off, then look at them and then back to the mirror. How do your surrounding friends and family spend their time, react in a situation and then look at how you spend your time and watch your own reactions. Here’s 5 Tips to Surrounding Yourself with Purposeful, Positive & Powerful People.

How financially successful are you? How about the company you keep? If you’re the most successful group member chances are they are pulling on your coat tails and you may need your own coat tail to pull on. The right company is the key to Success. You will eventually become a product of the people who surround you and that’s a fact. This is something we have all had to learn the hard way at one time or another.

The reflections of ourselves come directly from the people we surround ourselves with. The people we keep in our lives, build relationships with and interact with on a regular basis will ultimately determine who we form ourselves by. Their actions and reactions good and bad as well as behaviors all subconsciously influence our daily choices and decisions. Do they encourage your drive for success or prefer you spend time with them drinking in a bar? Do they share your morals and beliefs or spend weekends wasting the night away? Where you are in life right now is partially a reflection of your company.

Everyone is on a life journey and has a story. We all have struggles, trials and tribulations. We have all made good and bad decisions and regrets are the only choices we’ve made that we didn’t stop and learn a lesson from. The regrets are measured in the results of our choices but from every regrettable decision we never thought out the end result or what followed the decision that led to a result. One may say, ‘’ I regret marrying that guy” but if you had beautiful children together then the regret of marrying someone is no longer valid. You cannot have the regret and the blessing that comes from the regret. You either regret the decision in its entirety or learn from a poor choice and move forward.

People have a huge impact on your life. “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” says American entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn. With this in mind, you should think about the people you’re spending time with the same way you think about what you eat and how you’re exercising. Read more 5 Tips to Surrounding Yourself with Purposeful, Positive & Powerful People:

5 Tips to Surrounding Yourself with Purposeful, Positive & Powerful People

1. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals. If you want to start a business- interact with successful business owners. Look into joining a Business Owners Network with established entrepreneurs who have already successfully done what you’re doing in your community. Research groups and individuals that have become successful in the same dreams you share.

2. Surround yourself with happy people that make you laugh and help you when you’re in need. Don’t surround yourself with the toxicity and negativity of individuals who don’t seem to add any value to your life or positive impact. These are the ones who want you to stay around to fulfill their own needs. You may need to think about that one.

3. Ambition is contagious and surrounding yourself with people who are on a journey to succeed or make improvements in their life will inspire you in your own personal growth. Even the most powerful and successful people out there have weaknesses and setbacks, so surround yourself with those who are on the same path or who have been through similar journeys. These people are goal setters, thinkers and leaders.

4. Associating yourself with people who are making a difference. The individuals who have learned from experiences, share their struggles and who want to leave a footprint in their life and yours, the ones who are willing to help others. It is essential for you to grow as a person.

5. Find the role models or notable figures that you aspire to become. It could be a friend, family member, stranger you meet or a co-worker. The person who will help you, encourage you, inspire you, empower you, and motivate you. They can help guide you on your journey. They may be a speaker or leader that you can follow and listen to or an author who has published books on your interest. These people are productive not procrastinators. They are organized and spend their time with successful powerful company inspiring people. They normally stick to a plan and are not easily distracted from their goals.

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Cherie Rickard

Cherie Rickard is a Nationally recognized Author, Motivational Speaker, Grief and Empowerment Coach. She is a Medical Professional, a successful business owner, a patient advocate and more importantly a mother with messages of hope & inspiration. She encourages women to find their voice and purpose in life so that they can use life’s setbacks, challenges and tragedies to rebuild their own lives

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