5 Skills That Will Transform Your Career

  • Published on:
    August 25, 2023
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes
5 Skills That Will Transform Your Career

It is so easy to be consumed by your career. We are often so focused on all the milestones and accomplishments that we have yet to achieve that we forget about all those key skills we need in order to get there. Read on 5 Skills That Will Transform Your Career.

So, what are they? What do we want to achieve? Do we have the necessary skills and mindset to get there? These 5 skills below are present in every one of us. However, not many of us are using them to our advantage, and here’s how:

5 Skills That Will Transform Your Career


Every company under the sun experiences change. Whether it’s rolling out a new system, introducing new management, punting a new structure, or work-life culture, the list is endless. And we often see many employees resisting change or are unable to cope with it. But having this skill is an advantage. If you embrace change, you will find that you are happier, you work efficiently, you pick up things faster and in turn, you can mentor those who find it difficult to cross over. 


Being tech-savvy is a plus. Technology is evolving beyond our imagination and we are using much more advanced systems than before. Paperwork is being reduced and virtual assistants being introduced. Being on the receiving end can sometimes be overwhelming which is why it is so important to constantly learn new skills and grow. Being able to catch on to a system is a huge advantage to your employer and shows how fast you are able to process information. 


Being creative and a problem solver is something we should all strive to be. Your major corporates are all about providing a service to their client that is stress-free and efficient. Being able to solve a client’s problems and coming up with innovative solutions for your team will go a long way in your career simply because you will be viewed as an asset. 


Having communication and interpersonal skills can really uplift your career. Being able to use these skills to build relationships with your boss, staff, business partners and important stakeholders can lead to networking. Having relationship building skills both face-to-face and telephonically will ensure that employees will want to keep dealing with you and you become a go-to person in your department. It also makes you appear more attractive and charismatic to others. 


Knowing your industry, its advances, its problems, its changes are so important. By being in the know, it shows you are an all-rounder, it shows you care about your job and your work. This is also a major plus in interviews as interviewers are always looking for someone that can help them and not the other way around. Self-education and acquiring skills is a must in this day and age where change is inevitable.

Sheinna Mungroo

A South African native undertaking her Master’s in Human Resource Management. Her primary objective is balancing the needs and goals of both the company and the workforce to create a harmonious employee-and business-centric atmosphere whilst improving the standing of women in upper management. She’s an avid lover of books, fashion, beauty, the arts, flowers and cool notebooks. She was also a Finalist for the Miss India South Africa 2017 pageant. Sheinna believes in exploring as many creative streams in life as this is a form of expression and a link between our internal and external worlds. When she’s not painting up a storm, she loves exploring new cafés and chocolate desserts. 

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