Am I Enough? 5 Reasons Why Being You Is Enough

  • Published on:
    May 16, 2018
  • Reading time by:
    2 minutes
Am I Enough? 5 Reasons Why Being You Is Enough

Have you ever asked yourself the question: Am I Enough? Or said to yourself ‘I am not good enough’  We are so good at asking ourselves questions but are not very good at answering them. The self-talk can often be detrimental to our self-esteem and confidence. Read on ‘Am I Enough? 5 Reasons Why Being You Is Enough’


Now it’s my turn to ask you a question: Why? Why do we ask ourselves this particular question and why do we feel we are not enough at times? And what does that even mean?

We ask ourselves this question when we have been exposed to a situation or interaction that makes us believe or influences us to believe that we are not enough as we are. 

This leads to feelings of self-depreciation, self-doubt and even to self-loathing.

This comes from insecurity so it’s important to do some self-exploration into what has made you ask yourself that question. Acknowledge when you do this, write it down and express how you are feeling either to someone else or even get it out of your head into paper. Then think about the following points. 

Am I Enough? 5 Reasons Why Being You Is Enough: 

  1. You are Fabulously Unique – Although we all share similarities, we are different and the combination of both is what makes us unique. Embrace your unique ‘recipe’ that makes you YOU. If you find that you aren’t willing to accept yourself as you, start an honest conversation with yourself to understand what the root cause of that is. 
  2. Stop Wasting Time Worrying – You can’t be more than what you are in the moment that you are in, you can only become more with time and experience. You are enough to have got yourself to where you are now, if you want to change and improve (in a healthy way) then you need a plan, then take action to execute that plan so you can build upon whatever it is that you felt you were lacking in.
  3. Self-Acceptance is key to Self-Improvement – Quite simply you need to accept yourself as you are, love yourself as you are in order to become what you envision yourself to be.
  4. Making a Difference – you are a whole human being that can create a unique impact on others, you have something to offer the world. Even if you help one other person each day, you will start to see the value that you can add to others. Something as simple as a smile can make another person’s day, listening to someone can relieve them of stress, acknowledging someone’s effort and displaying gratitude can make someone feel appreciated. The small stuff matters, so a simple act of kindness from you is an act of kindness to you.
  5. The best reason of all is actually to state the opposite ‘Why aren’t I enough, I am enough!’ Being enough is down to our perception of whether we feel satisfied with ourselves how we are today. It’s important not to be unhappy with who we are for the wrong reasons. Change is good when it’s on your terms. 

Be Yourself, Be Authentic to yourself and ask yourself the right questions if you want to improve for the Right reasons. You are always enough.

There are a number of ways where you can build your self-esteem and not feel like you are not enough. 

Self-affirmations are a great way to build a positive relationship with yourself. You celebrate who you are and remember what you think you will become. What you say to yourself you will believe. 

Keep your perception of yourself positive and you won’t be asking yourself if you are enough.  

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Haseena Bheekhun

Haseena Bheekhun is a Coach, Mentor, and Consultant. The scope of expertise in many areas of lifestyle, career life and business spans as wide as the exposure and first-hand experience has enabled her to interpret and understand the do’s and don’ts. Packaging this in a way that caters to the individual and the extended professional environment i.e. small company, large company or organization individuals are able to improve personally and professionally. Haseena’s vision is to empower and enable others to utilize their full potential and achieve their goals, by educating them and the wider community on various issues relating to mindset. Haseena enjoys creative and educational pursuits in philosophy, psychology, technology, science, and art.

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