3 Steps to Land Your Dream Job

  • Published on:
    July 28, 2022
  • Reading time by:
    5 minutes
3 Steps to Land Your Dream Job | WOMEN ON TOPP | WOMENONTOPP.COM |

Leaving university with a degree you’re not sure about, in a world where you don’t know what you want to do is completely normal. You don’t have to feel like you’re about to lose it all and sit around for months waiting for a job offer to come along – here are 3 Steps to Land Your Dream Job.

3 Steps to Land Your Dream Job

Use LinkedIn as one of the 3 Steps to Land Your Dream Job

LinkedIn is basically your electronic business card. It has everything on there from what you do, who you know, how many people have endorsed you (i.e how many people think you’re good at your job), and what you’re interested in. You’ll be amazed at how many companies use LinkedIn to find talent. Think of job roles you’re interested in, follow companies you like, and find people in roles you like the sound of on LinkedIn to speak to. You’ll be surprised by how many people are happy to help out and tell you more about their job and daily responsibilities. It’s also super important your LinkedIn profile is up to date, has all the relevant info to make you stand out when recruiters check out your profile…. remember it’s a professional profile… not a social media page!

Get to know the culture

It’s really easy to have a great job title at a great company but be unhappy. I know a lot of people who work for top global companies, who have jobs people would kill for, but they are just so unhappy. It’s not about the paycheck or the role… it’s the culture. It’s really important you find a company that fits your personality because you’ll be best at your job if it’s something you can talk about all day and not get bored. It’s like someone being a creative director of a make-up company but never wore makeup themselves! Be in a company that shares your beliefs and goals… it’ll be much easier to settle in and enjoy your job!

Don’t jump at the first opportunity

There’ll be times when you’re desperately looking for a job, anything to get some dollar in to pay the bills. But if you want a career and not a job, make sure you weigh out every job offer and think seriously about where it’ll take you. It’s good to think of each job as a stepping stone to your next role. Build up experience…relevant experience. If you know you want to be the next retail guru, maybe you should think twice about taking that job as an oil & gas project manager? Don’t ever sell yourself short and think the first job offer that comes up will the only one that ever will. Make the most of every opportunity, but only if it right for you.

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Jaya Sharma

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